أقسام الوصول السريع (مربع البحث)

Entropy Toolkit tools to exploit IP Webcams

Entropy Toolkit tools to exploit IP Webcams

Entropy Toolkit tools to exploit IP Webcams

About Entropy Toolkit

Entropy Toolkit is a set of tools to exploit Netwave and GoAhead IP Webcams. Entropy is a powerful toolkit for webcams penetration testing.

Entropy installation

  • cd entropy
  • chmod +x install.sh
  • ./install.sh

Entropy uninstallation

  • cd entrop
  • chmod +x uninstall.sh
  • ./uninstall.sh

Entropy Toolkit execution

usage: entropy [-h] [-b [1|2]] [-o <outputfile>] [--timeout <timeout>]
               [-t <tasks>] [-c <count>] [-q | -v]
               [-a <address> | -i <inputfile> | --shodan <API> | --zoomeye <API>]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b [1|2], --brand [1|2]
                        Choose the brand of IP Webcam. (1)Netwave, (2)GoAhead.
  -o <outputfile>, --output <outputfile>
                        Output into path you input.
  --timeout <timeout>   Timeout in seconds.
  -t <tasks>, --task <tasks>
                        Run tasks number of connects in parallel.
  -c <count>, --count <count>
                        The number of IP you want to get from ZoomEye.
  -q, --quiet           Quiet mode.
  -v, --verbose         Verbose mode.
  -a <address>, --address <address>
                        IP:port address of the webcam.
  -i <inputfile>, --input <inputfile>
                        List of IP:port addresses of webcams.
  --shodan <API>        Your Shodan API key.
  --zoomeye <API>       Your ZoomEye API key.
  -u, --update          Update Entropy Toolkit.

Entropy Toolkit examples

Example of exploiting a single webcam

entropy -b 1 -i -v 
Example of exploiting webcams from a file

entropy -b 2 -l iplist.txt -v
Example of exploiting webcams using shodan

entropy -b 2 -v --shodan PSKINdQe1GyxGgecYz2191H2JoS9qvgD

Shadow Hacker
Shadow Hacker
Shadow Hacker هي قناة تعليمية حيث أحاول تعليم المبتدئين كل ما هوا مفيد في مجال الهكر والحمايه والمعلوميات ، من خلال شرح البرامج المهمة وبعض من خدمات المواقع ، والتعريف بأفضل طرق الأختراق والحمايه الأنظمة والحسابات ... اذا كان لديك اي استفسار لا تتردد في الأتصال بي